About the UCI Retirees Association (UCIRA)

UC Irvine Retirees Assocation

We, as retired UCI faculty and staff, have many opportunities to continue to be a part of UCI through our involvement with the UCIRA. The UCI Center for Emeriti and Retirees (CER), is the official connection and administrative organization for the UCIRA.

UCIRA‘s focus is to advocate for retirees in addition to providing social and educational activities for all. In the past, these activities have included lectures, cooking classes, hikes, bike rides, bus tours, and on- and off-campus events. We contribute to the Staff Assembly Scholarship Program that funds continuing staff education and recently set up a new scholarship for incoming students. Most importantly, a portion of membership dues also supports UCl’s representation in the UC system-wide Council of UC Retirees Associations (CUCRA). CUCRA advocates on behalf of all UC retirees, interacting with the UC Office of the President regarding health insurance and other critical retirement benefits.

All UCIRA events are open to retirees, even those who are not members. The CER Connections newsletter is emailed the first week of each month with information on upcoming programs and activities, as well as any changes in retiree benefits. With over 5000 UCI retirees now, CER is unable to print and mail it each month due to cost. Therefore, if you are not on our email list please send your information to retirees@uci.edu. In addition, please bookmark the CER website: retirees.uci.edu and visit regularly to stay up to date. We are also on Facebook so join us at UC lrvine Colleagues for Life: www.facebook.com/groups/UCIretirees/

As you can see, membership in the UCI Retirees Association is valuable and we encourage you to join.